import pygame import numpy as np from scripts.utils import TILE_DICT, to_isometric_pixel BASE_MAP_PATH = 'data/maps/' NEIGHBOR_OFFSETS = [np.array((i,j)) for i in (-1,0,1) for j in (-1,0,1)] class Tilemap: def __init__(self, game, tile_size, map_path = None): = game self.tile_size = np.array(tile_size) #self.offgrid_tiles = [] if map_path: self.load_map(map_path) def extend_tilemap(self, pos): #extend tilemap such that pos becomes an accessible tile #by default adds the air block TILE_DICT[0] if self.tilemap.shape[0] <= pos[0]: self.tilemap = np.concatenate([self.tilemap, np.full(np.array((pos[0] - self.tilemap.shape[0] + 1, self.tilemap.shape[1])), {'type' : TILE_DICT[0][0], 'variant' : TILE_DICT[0][1], 'walkable': TILE_DICT[0][2]})], axis = 0) if self.tilemap.shape[1] <= pos[1]: self.tilemap = np.concatenate([self.tilemap, np.full(np.array((self.tilemap.shape[0], pos[1] - self.tilemap.shape[1] + 1)), {'type' : TILE_DICT[0][0], 'variant' : TILE_DICT[0][1], 'walkable': TILE_DICT[0][2]})], axis = 1) def add_tile(self, pos, tile): #by design if np.any(pos) < 0 it loops to the other side without errors if np.any(self.tilemap.shape <= pos): self.extend_tilemap(pos) self.tilemap[*pos] = tile def save(self, map_path): inverse_tile_dict = {TILE_DICT[i]:i for i in range(len(TILE_DICT))} tile_arr = np.empty_like(self.tilemap,dtype=np.int8) for row in range(self.tilemap.shape[0]): for col in range(self.tilemap.shape[1]): tile = self.tilemap[row,col] tile_arr[row,col] = inverse_tile_dict[(tile['type'], tile['variant'], tile['walkable'])] tile_arr = np.transpose(tile_arr) np.savetxt(BASE_MAP_PATH + map_path, tile_arr, delimiter=',', fmt='%.1d') def load_map(self, map_path): #print(map_path) tile_arr = np.transpose(np.loadtxt(BASE_MAP_PATH + map_path, delimiter=',', dtype=np.int8)) self.tilemap = np.empty_like(tile_arr, dtype = object) for row in range(tile_arr.shape[0]): for col in range(tile_arr.shape[1]): type_var = TILE_DICT[tile_arr[row,col]] self.tilemap[row,col] = {'type' : type_var[0], 'variant' : type_var[1], 'pos': np.array([row,col]), 'walkable': type_var[2]} def render(self, surface, offset = np.array([0,0])): for x in range(self.tilemap.shape[0]): for y in range(self.tilemap.shape[1]): tile = self.tilemap[x,y] surface.blit([tile['type']][tile['variant']],(to_isometric_pixel(np.array((x,y)))*self.tile_size)-offset) #for tile in self.offgrid_tiles: # surface.blit([tile['type']][tile['variant']],(to_isometric_pixel(tile['pos'])*self.tile_size)-offset) #this tile is written offgrid so no mult by tile_size def tiles_around(self,pos): tiles = [] tile_loc = np.array(pos // np.array((self.tile_size[0],self.tile_size[0])),dtype=int) #gotta use this and not just self.tile_size to normalize wrt the change of variables for the isometric view for offset in NEIGHBOR_OFFSETS: check_loc = tile_loc + offset if np.all(check_loc >= 0) and np.all(check_loc < self.tilemap.shape): tiles.append(self.tilemap[tuple(check_loc)]) return tiles def physics_rects_around(self,pos): rects = [] for tile in self.tiles_around(pos): if not tile['walkable']: rects.append(pygame.Rect(tile['pos'] * np.array((self.tile_size[0],self.tile_size[0])), np.array((self.tile_size[0],self.tile_size[0])))) return rects